Penny Pepperstein
Well I am going begin at the end of the show and work my way to the beginning. Let me just get this out of the way and say I love Seether. Shaun Morgan’s hard core, gruff, angry sound to his voice gives his songs a pissed off feel to them. This is a guaranteed big reason as to why Seether is so loved. He screams out the words we want to scream out. When Shaun Morgan started the song "Gasoline", one of the band’s first big hits (2002 Disclaimer album) with the distorted first chords of his guitar had the audience worked up and ready to rock. Everything about this show started out so kick ass and then…the sound system had feedback, like, A LOT of feedback. Seether continued to play thru it, but the more Shaun would scream the worse it got. Long, loud screeches rang throughout the auditorium, leaving the audience to cover their ears to escape it. The fans didn’t seem to care much because as soon as the annoying sound subsided it was as if nothing happened and everyone continued the enjoyment of the song being played.This continued off and on throughout the performance during some of their biggest hits…it did get worked out and the show moved forward. As I worked my way thru the audience to find a place to see, I realized that as a shorter person in a standing room only Sokol Auditorium this had become a small feat. I wiggled my way upstairs to the balcony and did manage to find a little step to call my own.My favorite song “Country Song” began my devil horn, headbanging craziness along with the rest of the upper floor. Suddenly I realized I was still wearing my overall shorts I set out of the house in that morning. I had a busy Saturday and hadn’t gone home to change into my black jeans and concert t-shirt. You know the standard attire for the going to a Seether concert. But I digress, I was still wearing my light denim overalls with little hearts and stars and stripes embroidered on the front pocket. I quickly scanned the area for gawkers and I noticed that everyone was, well…old. Wait, wait before you turn off this post let me explain.When I listen to Seether no matter what year or how new the album is I always think of myself as the older one in the room/car/concert. I think this because in 2002 when Disclaimer was released I was 30 years old, in 2007 when my daughter was a teenager and listened to Seether, I was 35. I felt like the oldest Seether fan on the planet. That is, until Saturday night. Everyone was my age, some were little older and there were a few that were younger but every one of them was in that moment with Seether and without an age group. I suddenly felt very comfortable again and me and my overalls continued the head banging ritual that is hard ass rock.Next in the lineup going backwards, is Letters From The Fire. Alexa Kabazie with her long wild aqua colored hair that she happily threw around when emphasizing a pivotal moment in the song when the entire band would do the same in unison. This became contagious as the audience too began to follow the band’s lead. The song “Worth The Pain” had edgy, raw lyrics that I have definitely have felt before. Alexa’s voice reminded me of a combination of singers, I heard a little Joan Jett, Kelly Clarkson and a tad of Amy Lee thrown in for good measure. Drummer Brian Sumwalt, guitarists Cameron Stucky, Mike Steller and Bassist Clayton Wages make up this must see awesome band. http://www.lettersfromthefire.net/tour/Oh the final band is actually the first band of the night. Kaliedo started the night with this tiny, pink, girl. Yes I said tiny, pink, girl. Christina Chriss stormed the stage with hot pink semi Mohawk type hair style and a hot, pink style attire to match. She looked to be about 5 foot nothing and maybe 100 pounds soaking wet. But that is where the tiny stopped. She let out a scream that stopped the audience cold. She was a hard rockin’, fist pumpin’, foot stompin’ wild child! Christina knows how to bring out the best in an audience. The bands song “Die Tryin’” an anthem for a girl living the same old mundane life and will die tryin’ to break free from it. Every song was better than the last and I found myself wondering over to the merch table to buy a CD. Christine helped me decide which CD to purchase, the band autographed it and I haven’t stopped listening to it since. I do have to give the guys in the band some serious kudos, the one that had me staring was the bassist Cody Morales. Dressed in bass man attire, black and black, he was constantly smiling, sticking out his tongue, laughing and was a show all by himself. Not only was I constantly smiling, I was laughing as I watched him enjoying the audience’s reaction to his good time. The drummer Joey Fava, guitarists Ronnie Rosolino and Zach Bolling were all the real sensational deal. All of them living and rocking in the moment and giving the audience all they had. I can’t wait for this band to return, because when they do, I will be front and center. The Sokol Auditorium is located on South 13th street near downtown Omaha. The “Sokol” provides entertainment year round and is home to many touring bands and the Omaha local music scene too. If you missed this show or one of your other favorite bands, chances are you will see them or another at the Sokol Auditorium soon.This is Penny Pepperstein signing out! See you soon, see you there.PS Don’t forget to tip your bartender/server- See more at: http://nightlifeco.com/omaha/#sthash.Cer1CIw2.dpufPosted 2nd June 2017 by Penny Pepperstein