The afternoon was sultry- rain fell off and on for most of the afternoon and the heat of the summer sun gave way to a later evening of a crowd giddy with the excitement of none other than Jumanji star Jack Black, Kyle Gass and the band during the Tenacius D concert at the Pinewood venue. With an upwards of approximately 5000 guests – a full house - from my position every seat was taken. For whatever reason the show did not actually start until around 9 pm but fans were immediately electrified when Jack Black hit the stage, opening with a homage to his website cartoon series of the same name 'Apocalypto' the sequel to his iconic “The Pick of Destiny.” Although many of the band’s songs use colorful language with adult content - it did not seem to bother the many fans in attendance! For all intense purposes the concert goers may have been more comfortable in a larger cooler indoor stadium as it appeared that Tenacious D 's fans could have easily filled a larger space. Regardless, Jack Black's popularity has not lost any steam from his days of popular movies like “School of Rock” or the voice of Po in “Kung Fu Panda” and from the multitude of phallic symbols that appear on stage and the lyrics from many of his songs this is defiantly not a G rated show but for those who love him and enjoy his comedy and wit a chance to see him in person made at least one fan I know smile long after the show!